Reasons why everyone should experience the thrill of travelling abroad

As someone who tries to travel as much as possible, I can wholeheartedly say it is one of the best experiences EVER. I believe that travelling can help with confidence, a person’s outlook on life and provides great memories (or I hope it does lol). I have several reasons as to why I think everyone should try to travel abroad, even if you don’t think it is for you.

New experiences

I have been so lucky to be able to travel as much as I can. The majority of my trips have been within Europe and a couple of times in Asia (Specifically Turkey and China). With these trips I was able to live a life I do not usually live whilst being in the UK. I had more freedom to explore and interact with people from different walks of life than my own. Seeing how people live differently, interacting with and just seeing what life is like for others, even if it is only for a few days, is an incredible thing. For me this is so fascinating. You are likely to find new activities that you might not be able to take part in where you live. Travelling is a great way to try these new experiences and create some memories doing so.


Usually when people go abroad, they may go just to relax (which is fine), but this blog is more about exploring. There are so many natural wonders of the world out there, so many beautiful mountains, beaches and places to see. I love travelling because I am always in awe with the towns I go to. Even if the place I stay in is not aesthetically pretty, there will usually be somewhere nearby for me to walk to. You do not always have to see greenery or water to see beauty. For example, when I was in Naples, I walked up to a top area to see the city from high above. I found this so beautiful, seeing all the houses and thinking about the people and their lives. If you live in a city, try a mountain break, if you live in nature already, try a busy city life. Try something new, see something new and just explore!


When I first got into the love of travelling, I was nervous. I did not have much experience with flying and when I did, it was usually with my parents. After the first couple of times travelling with my friends, I realised how easy the process was. Of course, there are a lot of things you need to do when travelling and need to check, such as visa requirements. As time went on, I became a lot more confident with travelling. When I was in my early 20s, I decided that I wanted to try going on a solo trip. This was a terrifying thing to do, however, I am so glad I did it. It really pushed me out of my comfort zone. I was forced to talk to people and to ask for help, where I may not have usually done so. I can see my confidence levels have increased a lot.


I know travelling may not be on everyones bucket list, but I do think people should give it a go. Even if it takes you a while to save up. There is so much of the world to see and experience.

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